Dear Readers,

These are pandemic times.  Fear is all-pervasive.  More so, in Health Clinics. Perhaps, the reason why most of them are closed or operating partially.  Both doctors and patients feel the pinch.  Doctors have truncated practice while patients do not want to mingle amongst the crowd in the waiting area. The present appointment systems do not resolve the issue of seamless management of patients in tune with Covid protocols.

What if something could be done to alleviate this?  What if patients could come to a clinic just in time for their appointment?  What if doctors could come to clinics at their convenient time and be able to broadcast messages to booked patients indicating the start of the clinic operations?  What if doctors have control over the sessions to extend the time or shift patients to the next session keeping patients informed?  What if a no-show could be accommodated with current appointments being open in a structured manner? How could data be retrieved to conduct intelligent Analytics?

The Applied Electronics Vertical Team at Theia New Consultancy got down to work on this pain area of doctors and patients.  Regular interactive sessions with doctors along with trials at 3 clinics have helped us to come out with “Healios” – the smart Ecosystem for Clinics.  Our solution does alleviate all the questions raised above.  Healios is a real-time solution that can be offered from a remote centralized location and is plug and play. It operates from the Cloud and uses IoT-based technology. The existing infrastructure in a clinic like Wi-fi, laptops for doctors and receptionists/clerks, an optional HDMI input TV for token annunciation and an Android Tab that acts as a Kiosk is all that is required.  Apps on the Android/IoS could be used by patients for booking their appointment.  The Walk-in or Call feature could also be employed by the patients.  

Team TNC firmly believes that Healios will make a difference in the way clinics are going to operate even post-Covid times. This will streamline patient appointment systems and also ensure that doctors can efficiently handle their practice at maximum capacity.  Healios is going to make life all the better for the stakeholders.

Please keep looking at this space for regular updates on this page as we get ready for commercial launch.  Healios will keep getting better and better.

With best regards,

Team TNC.